Every week we listen to over 200 bands playing in the Boston area in order to compile our Weekly Picks. Stream the selected bands below.
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Tue, May 19 | [fwaudio id=’2151′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0′] | Palma Violets and Public Access TV | Great Scott | [fwticketbutton size=’medium’ url=’http://www.awin1.com/cread.php?awinmid=4103&awinaffid=212341&clickref=&p=http://www.ticketmaster.com/event/01004E6DEFBBA8D3?brand=greatscott’] | [fwaddtocalendar size=’medium’ datestart=’2015-5-19 ‘ dateend=’2015-5-19 23:59:00′ utc=’-5′ summary=’Palma Violets and Public Access TV at Great Scott’ description=’Palma Violets (http://palmaviolets.co.uk/) Public Access TV (https://www.facebook.com/publicaccesstv)’ locationaddress=’1222 Commonwealth Avenue, Allston, MA’] |
Tue, May 19 | [fwaudio id=’2154′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0′] | Geographer | Brighton Music Hall | [fwticketbutton size=’medium’ url=’http://www.awin1.com/cread.php?awinmid=4103&awinaffid=212341&clickref=&p=http://www.ticketmaster.com/event/01004E51C4BC7473′] | [fwaddtocalendar size=’medium’ datestart=’2015-5-19 ‘ dateend=’2015-5-19 23:59:00′ utc=” summary=’Geographer at Brighton Music Hall’ description=’Geographer (http://geographermusic.com/)’ locationaddress=’158 Brighton Avenue, Allston, MA’] |
Thu, May 21 | [fwaudio id=’2156′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0′] | The Rentals, Rey Pila, and Radiation City | Middle East Downstairs | [fwticketbutton size=’medium’ url=’http://www.awin1.com/cread.php?awinmid=4103&awinaffid=212341&clickref=&p=http://www.ticketweb.com/t3/sale/SaleEventDetail?dispatch=loadSelectionData&eventId=5718655&pl=mideastclub&REFID=elink’] | [fwaddtocalendar size=’medium’ datestart=’2015-5-21 ‘ dateend=’2015-5-21 23:59:00′ utc=’-7′ summary=’The Rentals, Rey Pila, and Radiation City at Middle East Downstairs’ description=’The Rentals (https://www.facebook.com/therentals) Rey Pila (https://www.facebook.com/reypilaofficial) Radiation City (https://www.facebook.com/radiationcity/)’ locationaddress=’472 – 480 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA’] |
Thu, May 21 | [fwaudio id=’2160′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0′] | Bent Shapes, TW Walsh, Weather, and Vita And The Woolf | TT The Bear’s | [fwticketbutton size=’medium’ url=’http://www.awin1.com/cread.php?awinmid=4103&awinaffid=212341&clickref=&p=http://www.ticketweb.com/t3/event/EventListings?orgId=15325′] | [fwaddtocalendar size=’medium’ datestart=’2015-5-21 ‘ dateend=’2015-5-21 23:59:00′ utc=” summary=’Bent Shapes, TW Walsh, Weather, and Vita And The Woolf at TT The Bear’s’ description=’Bent Shapes (http://bentshapes.com/) TW Walsh (http://twwalsh.bandcamp.com/) Weather (https://www.facebook.com/weathertheband) Vita And The Woolf (https://www.facebook.com/vitaandthewoolf)’ locationaddress=’10 Brookline Street, Cambridge, MA’] |
Fri, May 22 | Bo Ningen | Great Scott | [fwticketbutton size=’medium’ url=’http://www.awin1.com/cread.php?awinmid=4103&awinaffid=212341&clickref=&p=http://www.ticketmaster.com/event/01004E7EF85A74C9?brand=greatscott’] | [fwaddtocalendar size=’medium’ datestart=’2015-5-22 ‘ dateend=’2015-5-22 23:59:00′ utc=’-5′ summary=’Bo Ningen at Great Scott’ description=’Bo Ningen (http://boningen.info/)’ locationaddress=’1222 Commonwealth Avenue, Allston, MA’] | |
Sun, May 24 | [fwaudio id=’2167′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0′] | Holy Wave | Middle East Upstairs | [fwticketbutton size=’medium’ url=’http://www.awin1.com/cread.php?awinmid=4103&awinaffid=212341&clickref=&p=http://www.ticketweb.com/t3/sale/SaleEventDetail?dispatch=loadSelectionData&eventId=5684255&pl=mideastclub&REFID=elink’] | [fwaddtocalendar size=’medium’ datestart=’2015-5-24 ‘ dateend=’2015-5-24 23:59:00′ utc=’-8′ summary=’Holy Wave at Middle East Upstairs’ description=’Holy Wave (https://myspace.com/holywaves/)’ locationaddress=’472 – 480 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA’] |
Palma Violets and Public Access TV
[fwaudio id=’2151′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0′]Tuesday, May 19 at Great Scott
1222 Commonwealth Avenue, Allston, MA
[fwaudio id=’2154′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0′]Tuesday, May 19 at Brighton Music Hall
158 Brighton Avenue, Allston, MA
The Rentals, Rey Pila, and Radiation City
[fwaudio id=’2156′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0′]Thursday, May 21 at Middle East Downstairs
472 – 480 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA
Bent Shapes, TW Walsh, Weather, and Vita And The Woolf
[fwaudio id=’2160′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0′]Thursday, May 21 at TT The Bear’s
10 Brookline Street, Cambridge, MA
Bent Shapes
Boston, MA
[fwaudio id=’2161′ type=’2′ titleoverride=’Listen to band’ size=’large’]
Band Websites
TW Walsh
Boston, MA
[fwaudio id=’2162′ type=’2′ titleoverride=’Listen to band’ size=’large’]
Band Websites
Brooklyn, NY
[fwaudio id=’2163′ type=’2′ titleoverride=’Listen to band’ size=’large’]
Band Websites