Wooden Shjips: Concert Photos
TT The Bear's - Nov 09, 2011

Images of Wooden Shjips by Tom Gilmore from the band’s recent TT The Bear’s performance…  ()
Wooden Shjips (Press Photo by Andrew Paynter)
Image: Andrew Paynter
Wooden Shjips, Birds Of Avalon, and MV & EE
Wednesday, November 9 at TT The Bear’s
[fwaudio id=’3303′ type=’1′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’1′ showtitleband=’1′]

Photos by Tom Gilmore

Band Websites

[fwlinkbutton url='https://www.facebook.com/wooden-shjips-44944152975/'] [fwlinkbutton url='https://soundcloud.com/woodenshjips'] [fwlinkbutton url='http://woodenshjips.com/'] [fwlinkbutton url='https://myspace.com/woodenshjips/']