Every week we listen to over 200 bands playing in the SF Bay Area in order to compile our Weekly Picks. Stream the selected bands below.
[fwaudio id=’3492′ type=’2′ & titleoverride=’Listen to all the bands’ size=’large’]
Tue, Nov 10 | [fwaudio id=’3493′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0′] | Tamaryn and Froth | The Chapel | [fwticketbutton size=’medium’ url=’http://www.shareasale.com/r.cfm?B=234786&U=972260&M=27601&urllink=https://www.ticketfly.com/purchase/event/962875?_ga=1.48431398.166516831.1446994681′] | [fwaddtocalendar size=’medium’ datestart=’2015-11-10 ‘ dateend=’2015-11-10 23:59:00′ utc=” summary=’Tamaryn and Froth at The Chapel’ description=’Tamaryn (http://tamarynmusic.com/) Froth (http://froth.bandcamp.com/)’ locationaddress=’777 Valencia Street, San Francisco, CA’] |
Tue, Nov 10 | [fwaudio id=’3496′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0′] | Here We Go Magic and Big Thief | The Independent | [fwticketbutton size=’medium’ url=’http://www.shareasale.com/r.cfm?B=234786&U=972260&M=27601&urllink=https://www.ticketfly.com/purchase/event/914935?_ga=1.97778719.1099242127.1446994700′] | [fwaddtocalendar size=’medium’ datestart=’2015-11-10 ‘ dateend=’2015-11-10 23:59:00′ utc=” summary=’Here We Go Magic and Big Thief at The Independent’ description=’Here We Go Magic (https://myspace.com/herewegomagic/) Big Thief (http://adrianne.com/)’ locationaddress=’628 Divisadero, San Francisco, CA’] |
Wed, Nov 11 | [fwaudio id=’3499′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0′] | The Orwells and Dante Elephante | The Chapel | [fwaddtocalendar size=’medium’ datestart=’2015-11-11 ‘ dateend=’2015-11-11 23:59:00′ utc=” summary=’The Orwells and Dante Elephante at The Chapel’ description=’The Orwells (https://www.facebook.com/theorwellsband/) Dante Elephante (http://danteelephante.bandcamp.com/)’ locationaddress=’777 Valencia Street, San Francisco, CA’] | |
Wed, Nov 11 | [fwaudio id=’3502′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0′] | My Goodness and Black Ferns | Brick & Mortar Music Hall | [fwticketbutton size=’medium’ url=’http://brickandmortarmusic.com/show.cfm?id=221362&cart’] | [fwaddtocalendar size=’medium’ datestart=’2015-11-11 ‘ dateend=’2015-11-11 23:59:00′ utc=” summary=’My Goodness and Black Ferns at Brick & Mortar Music Hall’ description=’My Goodness (http://mygoodness.bandcamp.com/) Black Ferns (https://www.facebook.com/blackfernsmusic)’ locationaddress=’1710 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA’] |
Thu, Nov 12 | [fwaudio id=’3505′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0′] | Beach Slang and Lithuania | Rickshaw Stop | [fwticketbutton size=’medium’ url=’http://www.shareasale.com/r.cfm?B=234786&U=972260&M=27601&urllink=https://www.ticketfly.com/purchase/event/933397?_ga=1.204159632.1077355003.1446994693′] | [fwaddtocalendar size=’medium’ datestart=’2015-11-12 ‘ dateend=’2015-11-12 23:59:00′ utc=” summary=’Beach Slang and Lithuania at Rickshaw Stop’ description=’Beach Slang (http://beachslang.bandcamp.com/) Lithuania (http://twitter.com/lithuaniaband)’ locationaddress=’155 Fell Street, San Francisco, CA’] |
Thu, Nov 12 | [fwaudio id=’3508′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0′] | NIk Turner’s Hawkwind and The Vacant Lots | Brick & Mortar Music Hall | [fwticketbutton size=’medium’ url=’http://brickandmortarmusic.com/show.cfm?id=219562&cart’] | [fwaddtocalendar size=’medium’ datestart=’2015-11-12 ‘ dateend=’2015-11-12 23:59:00′ utc=” summary=’NIk Turner's Hawkwind and The Vacant Lots at Brick & Mortar Music Hall’ description=’NIk Turner's Hawkwind (http://nikturner.com/) The Vacant Lots (http://thevacantlots.com/)’ locationaddress=’1710 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA’] |
Fri, Nov 13 | [fwaudio id=’3511′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0′] | Golden Void and Hot Lunch | Bottom of the Hill | [fwticketbutton size=’medium’ url=’http://www.bottomofthehill.com/stubmatic/event20151113.html’] | [fwaddtocalendar size=’medium’ datestart=’2015-11-13 ‘ dateend=’2015-11-13 23:59:00′ utc=” summary=’Golden Void and Hot Lunch at Bottom of the Hill’ description=’Golden Void (https://www.facebook.com/goldenvoid) Hot Lunch (https://www.facebook.com/hotlunchrocks/)’ locationaddress=’1233 17th Street, San Francisco, CA’] |
Sat, Nov 14 | [fwaudio id=’3514′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0′] | The Paper Kites and Old Man Canyon | Brick & Mortar Music Hall | [fwticketbutton size=’medium’ url=’http://brickandmortarmusic.com/show.cfm?id=219407&cart’] | [fwaddtocalendar size=’medium’ datestart=’2015-11-14 ‘ dateend=’2015-11-14 23:59:00′ utc=” summary=’The Paper Kites and Old Man Canyon at Brick & Mortar Music Hall’ description=’The Paper Kites (https://www.facebook.com/thepaperkitesband/) Old Man Canyon (https://www.facebook.com/oldmancanyon)’ locationaddress=’1710 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA’] |
Tamaryn and Froth
[fwaudio id=’3493′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0′]Tuesday, Nov 10 at The Chapel
777 Valencia Street, San Francisco, CA
Here We Go Magic and Big Thief
[fwaudio id=’3496′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0′]Tuesday, Nov 10 at The Independent
628 Divisadero, San Francisco, CA
The Orwells and Dante Elephante
[fwaudio id=’3499′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0′]Wednesday, Nov 11 at The Chapel
777 Valencia Street, San Francisco, CA
My Goodness and Black Ferns
[fwaudio id=’3502′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0′]Wednesday, Nov 11 at Brick & Mortar Music Hall
1710 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA
Beach Slang and Lithuania
[fwaudio id=’3505′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0′]Thursday, Nov 12 at Rickshaw Stop
155 Fell Street, San Francisco, CA
NIk Turner’s Hawkwind and The Vacant Lots
[fwaudio id=’3508′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0′]Thursday, Nov 12 at Brick & Mortar Music Hall
1710 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA
Golden Void and Hot Lunch
[fwaudio id=’3511′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0′]Friday, Nov 13 at Bottom of the Hill
1233 17th Street, San Francisco, CA