Every week we listen to over 200 bands playing in the Boston area in order to compile our Weekly Picks. Stream the selected bands below.
[fwaudio id=’938′ type=’2′ & titleoverride=’Listen to all the bands’ size=’large’]
Wed, Mar 4 | [fwaudio id=’939′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0”] | Jd Mcpherson and Dylan Pratt | The Sinclair | [fwaddtocalendar size=’medium’ datestart=’2015-3-4 ‘ dateend=’2015-3-4 23:59:00′ utc=” summary=’Jd Mcpherson and Dylan Pratt at The Sinclair’ description=’Jd Mcpherson (http://jdmcpherson.com/) Dylan Pratt (https://www.facebook.com/dylanjamesprattmusic)’ locationaddress=’52 Church St, Cambridge, MA’] | |
Thu, Mar 5 | [fwaudio id=’942′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0”] | Milk, Ravi Shavi, Crushed Out, and Blinders | Middle East Upstairs | [fwticketbutton size=’medium’ url=’http://www.awin1.com/cread.php?awinmid=4103&awinaffid=212341&clickref=&p=http://www.ticketweb.com/t3/sale/SaleEventDetail?dispatch=loadSelectionData&eventId=5677495&pl=mideastclub&REFID=elink’] | [fwaddtocalendar size=’medium’ datestart=’2015-3-5 ‘ dateend=’2015-3-5 23:59:00′ utc=’-8′ summary=’Milk, Ravi Shavi, Crushed Out, and Blinders at Middle East Upstairs’ description=’Milk (http://milkband.bandcamp.com/) Ravi Shavi (http://ravishavi.bandcamp.com/) Crushed Out (https://www.facebook.com/crushedoutmusic/) Blinders (http://blinders.bandcamp.com/)’ locationaddress=’472 – 480 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA’] |
Thu, Mar 5 | [fwaudio id=’947′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0”] | Jukebox The Ghost, Little Daylight, and Secret Someones | Paradise | [fwticketbutton size=’medium’ url=’http://www.awin1.com/cread.php?awinmid=4103&awinaffid=212341&clickref=&p=http://www.ticketmaster.com/event/01004D55C9994C01′] | [fwaddtocalendar size=’medium’ datestart=’2015-3-5 ‘ dateend=’2015-3-5 23:59:00′ utc=” summary=’Jukebox The Ghost, Little Daylight, and Secret Someones at Paradise’ description=’Jukebox The Ghost (https://myspace.com/jukeboxtheghost/) Little Daylight (http://littledaylightsounds.tumblr.com/) Secret Someones (http://www.secretsomeones.com/)’ locationaddress=’967 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA’] |
Fri, Mar 6 | [fwaudio id=’951′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0”] | Makthaverskan | Great Scott | [fwticketbutton size=’medium’ url=’http://www.awin1.com/cread.php?awinmid=4103&awinaffid=212341&clickref=&p=http://www.ticketmaster.com/event/01004E2DF4E26A38?brand=greatscott’] | [fwaddtocalendar size=’medium’ datestart=’2015-3-6 ‘ dateend=’2015-3-6 23:59:00′ utc=’-5′ summary=’Makthaverskan at Great Scott’ description=’Makthaverskan (http://twitter.com/makthaverskan69)’ locationaddress=’1222 Commonwealth Avenue, Allston, MA’] |
Fri, Mar 6 | [fwaudio id=’953′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0”] | Gang Of Four and Public Access TV | Paradise | [fwticketbutton size=’medium’ url=’http://www.awin1.com/cread.php?awinmid=4103&awinaffid=212341&clickref=&p=http://www.ticketmaster.com/event/01004D66B09F41DC’] | [fwaddtocalendar size=’medium’ datestart=’2015-3-6 ‘ dateend=’2015-3-6 23:59:00′ utc=” summary=’Gang Of Four and Public Access TV at Paradise’ description=’Gang Of Four (https://myspace.com/gangoffour/) Public Access TV (https://www.facebook.com/publicaccesstv)’ locationaddress=’967 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA’] |
Sat, Mar 7 | [fwaudio id=’956′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0”] | Lady Lamb The Beekeeper, Cuddle Magic, and Henry Jamison | The Sinclair | [fwticketbutton size=’medium’ url=’http://www.awin1.com/cread.php?awinmid=4103&awinaffid=212341&clickref=&p=http://www.ticketmaster.com/event/01004D83DB93D3B7?brand=sinclair’] | [fwaddtocalendar size=’medium’ datestart=’2015-3-7 ‘ dateend=’2015-3-7 23:59:00′ utc=” summary=’Lady Lamb The Beekeeper, Cuddle Magic, and Henry Jamison at The Sinclair’ description=’Lady Lamb The Beekeeper (https://myspace.com/ladylambthebeekeeper/) Cuddle Magic (https://myspace.com/cuddlemagic/) Henry Jamison (http://vimeo.com/33813993)’ locationaddress=’52 Church St, Cambridge, MA’] |
Sat, Mar 7 | [fwaudio id=’960′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0”] | Lina B Tullgren, Video Teeth, and The Roadside Dolls | O’Brien’s | [fwticketbutton size=’medium’ url=’http://www.awin1.com/cread.php?awinmid=4103&awinaffid=212341&clickref=&p=http://www.ticketweb.com/t3/sale/SaleEventDetail?dispatch=loadSelectionData&eventId=5597215&pl=obrien’] | [fwaddtocalendar size=’medium’ datestart=’2015-3-7 ‘ dateend=’2015-3-7 23:59:00′ utc=” summary=’Lina B Tullgren, Video Teeth, and The Roadside Dolls at O’Brien’s’ description=’Lina B Tullgren (http://linatullgren.bandcamp.com/) Video Teeth (http://videoteeth.bandcamp.com/) The Roadside Dolls (http://paulnelson.us/)’ locationaddress=’3 Harvard Avenue, Allston, MA’] |
Jd Mcpherson and Dylan Pratt
[fwaudio id=’939′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0”]Wednesday, Mar 4 at The Sinclair
52 Church St, Cambridge, MA
Milk, Ravi Shavi, Crushed Out, and Blinders
[fwaudio id=’942′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0”]Thursday, Mar 5 at Middle East Upstairs
472 – 480 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA
Allston, MA
[fwaudio id=’943′ type=’2′ & titleoverride=’Listen to band’ size=’large’]
Band Websites
Ravi Shavi
Providence, RI
[fwaudio id=’944′ type=’2′ & titleoverride=’Listen to band’ size=’large’]
Band Websites
Crushed Out
Brooklyn, NY / Effingham, NH
[fwaudio id=’945′ type=’2′ & titleoverride=’Listen to band’ size=’large’]
Free Downloads
[fwaudio id=’3862′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’1′ showtitleband=’0′]
Band Websites
Jukebox The Ghost, Little Daylight, and Secret Someones
[fwaudio id=’947′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0”]Thursday, Mar 5 at Paradise
967 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA
[fwaudio id=’951′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0”]Friday, Mar 6 at Great Scott
1222 Commonwealth Avenue, Allston, MA
Gang Of Four and Public Access TV
[fwaudio id=’953′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0”]Friday, Mar 6 at Paradise
967 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA
Lady Lamb The Beekeeper, Cuddle Magic, and Henry Jamison
[fwaudio id=’956′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0”]Saturday, Mar 7 at The Sinclair
52 Church St, Cambridge, MA
Lady Lamb The Beekeeper
Brunswick, ME
[fwaudio id=’957′ type=’2′ & titleoverride=’Listen to band’ size=’large’]
Band Websites
Cuddle Magic
Brooklyn, NY / Philadelphia, PA
[fwaudio id=’958′ type=’2′ & titleoverride=’Listen to band’ size=’large’]
Free Downloads
[fwaudio id=’3354′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’1′ showtitleband=’0′]
Band Websites
Lina B Tullgren, Video Teeth, and The Roadside Dolls
[fwaudio id=’960′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0”]Saturday, Mar 7 at O’Brien’s
3 Harvard Avenue, Allston, MA
Lina B Tullgren
Somerville, MA
[fwaudio id=’961′ type=’2′ & titleoverride=’Listen to band’ size=’large’]
Band Websites
Video Teeth
Boston, MA
[fwaudio id=’962′ type=’2′ & titleoverride=’Listen to band’ size=’large’]
Band Websites
The Roadside Dolls
Boston, MA
[fwaudio id=’963′ type=’2′ & titleoverride=’Listen to band’ size=’large’]
Free Downloads
[fwaudio id=’6455′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’1′ showtitleband=’0′]
[fwaudio id=’6454′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’1′ showtitleband=’0′]
[fwaudio id=’6453′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’1′ showtitleband=’0′]
Band Websites