Every week we listen to over 200 bands playing in the Boston area in order to compile our Weekly Picks. Stream the selected bands below.
[fwaudio id=’755′ type=’2′ & titleoverride=’Listen to all the bands’ size=’large’]
Mon, Feb 16 | [fwaudio id=’756′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0”] | Young Summer and Fever Charm | Great Scott | [fwticketbutton size=’medium’ url=’http://www.awin1.com/cread.php?awinmid=4103&awinaffid=212341&clickref=&p=http://www.ticketmaster.com/event/01004E2CA52A3855?brand=greatscott’] | [fwaddtocalendar size=’medium’ datestart=’2015-2-16 ‘ dateend=’2015-2-16 23:59:00′ utc=’-5′ summary=’Young Summer and Fever Charm at Great Scott’ description=’Young Summer (http://twitter.com/young__summer) Fever Charm (https://www.facebook.com/fevercharmband/)’ locationaddress=’1222 Commonwealth Avenue , Allston, MA’] |
Mon, Feb 16 | [fwaudio id=’759′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0”] | Condor and Jaw Gems | ZuZu | [fwticketbutton size=’medium’ url=’http://www.awin1.com/cread.php?awinmid=4103&awinaffid=212341&clickref=&p=http://www.ticketweb.com/t3/sale/SaleEventDetail?dispatch=loadSelectionData&eventId=5596415&pl=mideastclub’] | [fwaddtocalendar size=’medium’ datestart=’2015-2-16 ‘ dateend=’2015-2-16 23:59:00′ utc=” summary=’Condor and Jaw Gems at ZuZu’ description=’Condor (https://www.facebook.com/condorboston) Jaw Gems (https://www.facebook.com/jawgems/)’ locationaddress=’474 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA’] |
Tue, Feb 17 | [fwaudio id=’762′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0”] | Kishi Bashi String Quartet | Royale | [fwaddtocalendar size=’medium’ datestart=’2015-2-17 ‘ dateend=’2015-2-17 23:59:00′ utc=” summary=’Kishi Bashi String Quartet at Royale’ description=’Kishi Bashi String Quartet (http://twitter.com/kishi_bashi)’ locationaddress=’279 Tremont Street, Boston, MA’] | |
Tue, Feb 17 | [fwaudio id=’764′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0”] | Rye Pines, Nice Guys, Zip-Tie Handcuffs, and Something Sneaky | Middle East Upstairs | [fwticketbutton size=’medium’ url=’http://www.awin1.com/cread.php?awinmid=4103&awinaffid=212341&clickref=&p=http://www.ticketweb.com/t3/sale/SaleEventDetail?dispatch=loadSelectionData&eventId=5593745&pl=mideastclub&REFID=elink’] | [fwaddtocalendar size=’medium’ datestart=’2015-2-17 ‘ dateend=’2015-2-17 23:59:00′ utc=’-8′ summary=’Rye Pines, Nice Guys, Zip-Tie Handcuffs, and Something Sneaky at Middle East Upstairs’ description=’Rye Pines (http://ryepines.bandcamp.com/) Nice Guys (https://www.facebook.com/niceguys666/) Zip-Tie Handcuffs (https://www.facebook.com/ziptiehandcuffs/) Something Sneaky (https://www.facebook.com/somethingsneaky/)’ locationaddress=’472 – 480 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA’] |
Fri, Feb 20 | [fwaudio id=’769′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0”] | The Shills, Idiot Genes, and The Organ Beats | O’Brien’s | [fwticketbutton size=’medium’ url=’http://www.awin1.com/cread.php?awinmid=4103&awinaffid=212341&clickref=&p=http://www.ticketweb.com/t3/sale/SaleEventDetail?dispatch=loadSelectionData&eventId=5608095&pl=obrien’] | [fwaddtocalendar size=’medium’ datestart=’2015-2-20 ‘ dateend=’2015-2-20 23:59:00′ utc=” summary=’The Shills, Idiot Genes, and The Organ Beats at O’Brien’s’ description=’The Shills (https://myspace.com/theshills/) Idiot Genes (http://soundcloud.com/idiotgenes/) The Organ Beats (https://www.facebook.com/theorganbeats/)’ locationaddress=’3 Harvard Avenue, Allston, MA’] |
Sat, Feb 21 | Ariel Pink and Jack Name | Paradise | [fwticketbutton size=’medium’ url=’http://www.awin1.com/cread.php?awinmid=4103&awinaffid=212341&clickref=&p=http://www.ticketmaster.com/event/01004D51E5727602′] | [fwaddtocalendar size=’medium’ datestart=’2015-2-21 ‘ dateend=’2015-2-21 23:59:00′ utc=” summary=’Ariel Pink and Jack Name at Paradise’ description=’Ariel Pink (http://arielpinkshauntedgraffiti.com/) Jack Name (http://www.dragcity.com/artists/jack-name)’ locationaddress=’967 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA’] | |
Sun, Feb 22 | [fwaudio id=’776′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0”] | Francisco the Man | Great Scott | [fwticketbutton size=’medium’ url=’http://www.awin1.com/cread.php?awinmid=4103&awinaffid=212341&clickref=&p=http://www.ticketmaster.com/event/01004E26BC573ECB?brand=greatscott’] | [fwaddtocalendar size=’medium’ datestart=’2015-2-22 ‘ dateend=’2015-2-22 23:59:00′ utc=’-5′ summary=’Francisco the Man at Great Scott’ description=’Francisco the Man (http://twitter.com/franciscostweet)’ locationaddress=’1222 Commonwealth Avenue , Allston, MA’] |
Young Summer and Fever Charm
[fwaudio id=’756′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0”]Monday, Feb 16 at Great Scott
1222 Commonwealth Avenue , Allston, MA
Condor and Jaw Gems
[fwaudio id=’759′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0”]Monday, Feb 16 at ZuZu
474 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA
Kishi Bashi String Quartet
[fwaudio id=’762′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0”]Tuesday, Feb 17 at Royale
279 Tremont Street, Boston, MA
Rye Pines, Nice Guys, Zip-Tie Handcuffs, and Something Sneaky
[fwaudio id=’764′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0”]Tuesday, Feb 17 at Middle East Upstairs
472 – 480 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA
Rye Pines
Boston, MA
[fwaudio id=’765′ type=’2′ & titleoverride=’Listen to band’ size=’large’]
Band Websites
Nice Guys
Allston, MA
[fwaudio id=’766′ type=’2′ & titleoverride=’Listen to band’ size=’large’]
Band Websites
Zip-Tie Handcuffs
Boston, CA
[fwaudio id=’767′ type=’2′ & titleoverride=’Listen to band’ size=’large’]
Band Websites
The Shills, Idiot Genes, and The Organ Beats
[fwaudio id=’769′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0”]Friday, Feb 20 at O’Brien’s
3 Harvard Avenue, Allston, MA
The Shills
Boston, MA
[fwaudio id=’770′ type=’2′ & titleoverride=’Listen to band’ size=’large’]
Band Websites
Idiot Genes
Allston, MA
[fwaudio id=’771′ type=’2′ & titleoverride=’Listen to band’ size=’large’]
Band Websites
The Organ Beats
Boston, MA
[fwaudio id=’772′ type=’2′ & titleoverride=’Listen to band’ size=’large’]
Free Downloads
[fwaudio id=’4977′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’1′ showtitleband=’0′]
[fwaudio id=’2762′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’1′ showtitleband=’0′]
[fwaudio id=’2761′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’1′ showtitleband=’0′]
Band Websites