Every week we listen to over 200 bands playing in the Boston area in order to compile our Weekly Picks. Stream the selected bands below.
[fwaudio id=’409′ type=’2′ & titleoverride=’Listen to all the bands’ size=’large’]
Mon, Jan 26 | [fwaudio id=’410′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0”] | Holiday Music | Middle East Upstairs | [fwticketbutton size=’medium’ url=’http://www.ticketweb.com/t3/sale/SaleEventDetail?dispatch=loadSelectionData&eventId=5550665&pl=mideastclub&REFID=elink’] | [fwaddtocalendar size=’medium’ datestart=’2015-1-26 ‘ dateend=’2015-1-26 23:59:00′ utc=’-8′ summary=’Holiday Music at Middle East Upstairs’ description=’Holiday Music (https://soundcloud.com/mike-hlady)’ locationaddress=’472 – 480 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA’] |
Tue, Jan 27 | [fwaudio id=’412′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0”] | Monomyth, Peachpit, and Dirt Naps | O’Brien’s | [fwticketbutton size=’medium’ url=’http://www.ticketweb.com/t3/sale/SaleEventDetail?dispatch=loadSelectionData&eventId=5569515&pl=obrien’] | [fwaddtocalendar size=’medium’ datestart=’2015-1-27 ‘ dateend=’2015-1-27 23:59:00′ utc=” summary=’Monomyth, Peachpit, and Dirt Naps at O’Brien’s’ description=’Monomyth (http://mmyth.bandcamp.com) Peachpit (http://lepeachpit.bandcamp.com/) Dirt Naps (http://dirtnapszzz.bandcamp.com)’ locationaddress=’3 Harvard Avenue, Allston, MA’] |
Fri, Jan 30 | [fwaudio id=’416′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0”] | Bent Knee, Something Like A Monument, and Left Hand Does | O’Brien’s | [fwticketbutton size=’medium’ url=’http://www.ticketweb.com/t3/sale/SaleEventDetail?dispatch=loadSelectionData&eventId=5454805&pl=obrien’] | [fwaddtocalendar size=’medium’ datestart=’2015-1-30 ‘ dateend=’2015-1-30 23:59:00′ utc=” summary=’Bent Knee, Something Like A Monument, and Left Hand Does at O’Brien’s’ description=’Bent Knee (https://myspace.com/bentkneemusic/) Something Like A Monument (http://somethinglikeamonument.bandcamp.com/) Left Hand Does (https://myspace.com/lefthanddoes/)’ locationaddress=’3 Harvard Avenue, Allston, MA’] |
Sat, Jan 31 | [fwaudio id=’420′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0”] | A. Sinclair | Great Scott | [fwticketbutton size=’medium’ url=’http://www.ticketmaster.com/event/01004D91BA5F6B96?brand=greatscott’] | [fwaddtocalendar size=’medium’ datestart=’2015-1-31 ‘ dateend=’2015-1-31 23:59:00′ utc=’-5′ summary=’A. Sinclair at Great Scott’ description=’A. Sinclair (http://twitter.com/franksmithband/)’ locationaddress=’1222 Commonwealth Avenue , Allston, MA’] |
Sat, Jan 31 | [fwaudio id=’422′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0”] | Cherub and Mystery Skulls | Paradise | [fwaddtocalendar size=’medium’ datestart=’2015-1-31 ‘ dateend=’2015-1-31 23:59:00′ utc=” summary=’Cherub and Mystery Skulls at Paradise’ description=’Cherub (https://www.facebook.com/cherublamusica/) Mystery Skulls (http://twitter.com/mysteryskulls)’ locationaddress=’967 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA’] |
Holiday Music
[fwaudio id=’410′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0”]Monday, Jan 26 at Middle East Upstairs
472 – 480 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA
Monomyth, Peachpit, and Dirt Naps
[fwaudio id=’412′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0”]Tuesday, Jan 27 at O’Brien’s
3 Harvard Avenue, Allston, MA
Bent Knee, Something Like A Monument, and Left Hand Does
[fwaudio id=’416′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0”]Friday, Jan 30 at O’Brien’s
3 Harvard Avenue, Allston, MA
Bent Knee
Boston, MA
[fwaudio id=’417′ type=’2′ & titleoverride=’Listen to band’ size=’large’]
Band Websites
Something Like A Monument
Philadelphia, PA
[fwaudio id=’418′ type=’2′ & titleoverride=’Listen to band’ size=’large’]
Free Downloads
[fwaudio id=’5171′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’1′ showtitleband=’0′]
Band Websites
A. Sinclair
[fwaudio id=’420′ type=’2′ size=’medium’ showtitleaudio=’0′ showtitleband=’0”]Saturday, Jan 31 at Great Scott
1222 Commonwealth Avenue , Allston, MA