Mistle Thrush: Concert Photos Middle East Downstairs - Jan 22, 2011 Images of Mistle Thrush by Tom Gilmore from the band’s reunion performance at the Middle East Downstairs for Soozapalooza 2… Image: Charles Pickett The Candles, Mistle Thrush, The Lights Out, and Kristen Ford Band Saturday, January 22 at Middle East Downstairs Photos by Tom Gilmore Band Websites [fwlinkbutton url='https://www.facebook.com/mistle-thrush-172041939487227/'] [fwlinkbutton url='http://mistlethrush.com/'] [fwlinkbutton url='https://myspace.com/mistlethrush/'] [fwlinkbutton url='https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/mistle-thrush/id3950712']