During the set change after The Entrance Band’s performance, some of the audience stayed clustered at the base of Harper’s Ferry’s stage waiting for Dungen. As the band’s crew members moved around the stage setting up equipment, a young fan handed one of them a hand-drawn Dungen poster. The gift traveled around the platform, admired by all of the crew, before finally resting against the drum kit. When Dungen finally took the stage, Gustav Ejstes, the lead singer and founder of the band, plucked the drawing off the drum riser and showed it to the audience. “Thank you, Karen,” he said, taking a seat at the keyboard, “This is for you.”
For the final show of their US tour and one of the last concerts at Harper’s Ferry, Stockholm-based Dungen gave the audience a set filled with crowd pleasers like "Panda" and "Festival" from earlier releases as well as tracks off their latest record Skit I Allt. On “Mina Damer Och Fasaner”, one of the highlights of the evening, Ejstes transformed his flute into a conch shell, his eyes clenched shut and lips pressed against the metal mouthpiece. Guitarist Rein Fiske let loose notes that bended, folded, and embraced the flute’s sound, drawing the players inward until they formed a tight core on stage. The low rumble of mallet-pummeled drums and bassist Mattias Gustavsson’s pulse grew in intensity, reverberating throughout the hall. Abandoning his flute, Ejstes grabbed a tambourine, brandishing it exuberantly as he circled and stamped across the stage.