Yawn’s self-titled EP bursts with magnetic glee, sucking the listener into a children’s book where colors and imagination rule. The five song slice of fairy tale gathers the kiddies around for story time, and opener "Toys" is greeted with castanet claps and bubbles of laughter. The adventure has begun.
The pages turn a bit faster with the approaching hand drums of “Kind of Guy”, and the vocal gusts and maracas reset the clock to island time. Danger! Monsters on the approach! The natives’ chant rises on "David". Tension builds in "Empress" – the chieftess is cornered! – and the chief tears through the jungle, jagged guitar riffs fly by underfoot as he hurdles cymbal crashes, reaching her just in time to free her from the creature’s grasp. The pace slows and the loose ends are tied up in "Midnight", and the kiddies, through half-closed eyes with heavy lids, are left begging for another.
Come listen to the yarns of Yawn at the Middle East Downstairs of July 23 at 7:30 PM.