An experiment in strange couplings of era-specific sounds, MiniBoone dissuades and beckons, pinning back a lacy sheen of vocals with their barbwire of heavy percussion and guitars. You begin to feel comfortable in their gossamer shawl. Then, with one slight movement, there’s a deep gash in your hip. Crochet work threaded with chicken wire, “Rosalina Must Dance Alone” opens on an accordion player in a pinstriped suit. Light percussion beats out a processional, and the man marches through a 1950s sprawl of vibrant fairgrounds. Faltering over empty peanut shells, the song transitions to a chortling pitter-patter of stick tapping. The electric guitar remains buoyant, like the cotton candy that floats – kid-attached – by. As the chorus gains momentum the guitar loses its air, and the fete musician stumbles, landing on a nearby stage. He finds himself among rock musicians – a din of guitar and percussion – and with good humor, follows their modern musical lead. At first the accordion player seems content, and the song maintains a playful meandering of percussion, guitar and accordion sound. But soon a group of vocalists, bonneted and clad in grey, stiff-collared gowns parts the crowd. A Puritan choir, small-numbered but eager and devout, aids the carnival musician and his newfound rock band. Together they find a multi-epoch ending. Bring your antiques and your moderns. Make pairings with MiniBoone when they play TT the Bear’s on Sunday, July 11th.