Earthquake Party! Full stop. But definitely full go, too. Earthquake Party!, a three piece band out of Allston, MA wastes no time with their bite-sized portions of high energy low-fi. Their songs average about 80 seconds short. And like those little grab-and-go after-dinner mints, there’s a sweetness with the zing.
On “Fast Girl Slow Boy” innocent lyrics “run round circles round circles” around a simple guitar melody, with a delicious repetition like the hard candy coils of red and white peppermint stripes. The drums kick in a bit more for “Escape Artist,” a musical sprint dipped in youthful spirit that, like all of Earthquake Party!’s songs, comes wound up in a crackly film. This essential wrapper of amped up guitar and overdriven vocals readies their music for mass consumption, so hit up O’Brien’s to unwrap Earthquake Party! Monday, July 5 at 9 p.m.