Islands‘ music serves as a secret portal into a Technicolor jungle; one where birds with argyle-patterned breasts toot lush tunes, and oversized fruits dangle and drop from glossy plants, splitting and splattering their neon contents across a carpet of amethyst moss. Like in those other worlds drafted on the insides of eyelids, nothing in this place makes sense, but the right brain is held captive by color, and so the left brain forgets to ask questions.
“Rough Gem” begins with a slow mist of crooning strings. But quickly, breezes excite lagoon reeds and jostling clams add in percussive pings. Joyful drumming and quirky sound-effects add a bounce to your step as you explore. In “On Foreigner,” a tribal beat supports vocals that sound like slow-swinging vines and easy guitar lines brighten the luxuriant foliage. As the sounds leisurely fall off one by one, you’re out of sight, hidden by trees oozing bubble-gum sap.
Let Islands lead your safari on Monday, June 28th at Harpers Ferry, and visit a world where moss is purple and pitcher plants hold syrupy punch.