Yukon Blonde’s name might seem strange and abstruse- is it a Canadian hair color? a type of potato? – but the music they create is endearingly simple; the melodies and harmonies convey plain tales, primed like mad-libs for a listener to fill in his own personal narrative.
The harmonies in “Blood Cops” speak to all fruitless moments of search, whether for love, self, knowledge, or the toilet; regretful vocals exhale, “well, you can go outside,” while upbeat strumming and drumming make a catchy promise for relief. In “Kumiko Song,” choir-like rejoicing is paired with airy accompaniment, and at once, Yukon Blonde recounts tales of optimism. Uplifting guitar lines and crisp percussion cheer for the underdog, the long-shot presidential candidate, and the tortoises’ unlikely victory over the hare.
Most of the time though, Yukon Blonde’s sound is just upbeat, light, and familiar; their songs celebrate the most uncomplicated emotions, ready for details. Bring adjectives, nouns, and verbs to fill in Yukon Blonde’s blanks at the Middle East Upstairs on June 27th.