Dinosaur Bones dwell in an emotional limbo where opposing emotions bleed and blend like the feathery crawl of watercolors and the oxymora of hating someone you love or crying out of happiness makes logical sense. In this realm, Dinosaur Bones’ instrumentation wrestle to create a musical Monet of complex feeling.
Gloomy wails suffocate eager undulations- a blue-washed image of hope; upbeat guitar riffs sprint over a molasses bass- a rhythmic stain of depression; and metallic pulses puncture cool melodies- a crazing glaze of grey. Though up close, the bass might clash with guitar and the drums might shoot pellets at the vocals, from afar, each song is a cohesive work of art, a canvas able to communicate emotional subtleties better than spoken language. Come hear Dinosaur Bones empathize with whatever you’ve been unable to articulate at O’Briens on June 27th.