If someday soon, everybody decides to quit their job and move to the backwoods to sing and drink and dance, These United States will fuel the spirit fire. One part wood smoke, one part moonshine, These United States brews a soulful Americana. At times, their music lilts with the sincerity of earth in early morning; at others, it kicks and shimmies in a raucous dust storm, jangling like spurs on happy heels.
With three full-length albums released in the last two years and another one due next month, These United States has no shortage of material to share. Last year’s “I Want You to Keep Everything,” glides along under Jesse Elliott’s easy warble – the lead singer has a voice like old leather, broken in and oiled to perfection. With wailing guitars and a ho-down beat, “Honor Amongst Thieves,” builds into a convivial romp slick enough to un-stick any wallflower from his post. These United States is hosting a come-as-you-are party and everyone’s invited: Middle East Downstairs, June 23rd at 8:30.