Mirah’s profundity is wide-eyed with youth. She tiptoes across the attic space of one’s ear, having a mind to avoid the splintering floorboard.
“Education,” from her latest album (A)spera, articulates a wariness also nimble; each musician plays as if sampling their instrument with care, and these delicate expressions hover – a spider web of sound criscrossing the junction of a room. Mirah’s voice, too, is silk thin. In “Gone Are The Days” her vocals pick up strength, unhindered by the hold of a soft percussive frame. A keyboard and horn join the breeze of sound, but above the buzzing house Mirah’s voice remains, an unassuming force.
To assume absence at this show would be graceless, un-Mirah; she plays at The Middle East Downstairs on Wednesday, June 23rd at 8:00 PM.