Like the queen-bee from high school who always “got her toes done up with her fingernails matchin’,” Melisa Young a.k.a. Kid Sister commands her listeners with attitude; she confidently guides them through the intersection of urban rhymes and European dance beats throughout her debut album Ultraviolet. No matter how much you may think “electronic hip-hop”-as she calls it-is not for you, Kid Sister’s fiery rapping will nevertheless compel you to join her clique on the dance-floor, and the tantalizing electro-beats will expose you in all your hip-gyrating glory. With incessant rhythms and irresistibly amusing lyrics, the listening experience of Kid Sister’s tracks is really just like being overdosed with sonic caffeine. And with the inevitable compulsion to dance all night, that caffeine is definitely a good thing. Be a subject of Kid Sister’s hypnotic control at Middle East Downstairs on Saturday, June 19, and watch as her music transforms the audience into her liege of manic partiers.