Despite being tucked away in Union Square, without a T stop nearby, PA’s Lounge has a habit of bringing some of the most interesting bands to the Boston area. On Wednesday, Boston/Brooklyn-based Trades played a short but powerfully compelling set while illuminated by a single light bulb…

Despite being tucked away in Union Square, without a T stop nearby, PA’s Lounge has a habit of bringing some of the most interesting bands to the Boston area. On Wednesday, Boston/Brooklyn-based Trades played a short but powerfully compelling set while illuminated by a single light bulb. Combining assertive piano chords and arpeggios, melodic bass, and insistent drums, Trades’ tight piano-trio sound provides a swirling foreground through which their melancholy and shadow-like vocals wander in and out.
Listen to a couple tracks by the band while you view some images from the show.
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