Tiger masks. Giant foam monster suits. Makeshift kitchen-pan drums. A dedicated member of the band playing the flashlight. Human bowling. Even audience members who had seen the insanely awesome video for “So Many Mike” weren’t prepared for what went down at the Middle East this past weekend.
Peelander-Z blurred the lines between performers and audience, concert and rave. The members of the band, identified by the color of their ‘Power Rangers’ inspired outfits, come at the crowd from the stage, floor, and even from above: at one point, the bassist dangled upside down from the rafters overhead in what was the most rock-and-roll bat impression ever. Later, the drummer (Peelander Green) actually dismantled his set, set it up in the pit, played a song, and brought the kit back on stage while the music continued. Unbeatable. The straight-from-Japan band is a spectacle like no other, and they would be even if their music wasn’t clever, catchy and kitsch.
The show at the Middle East kicked off a several month-long tour with stops across the country and a showcase at South by Southwest. No more Boston dates are listed, but if enough Mikes in Boston request them maybe they’ll come back!