Twin Thousands’ self-titled LP is a colorful soundtrack of introspective, sometimes epic indie-rock tunes, arranged gracefully on a palette of human sensation. The Brooklyn band covers a sprawling spectrum; Gretta Cohn and Ryan Smith’s smooth vocals are at times a wispy spring breeze running through your hair, morphing into the melancholy of dreams lost, or a triumphant call to action. Listening to Cohn’s versatile cello interlaced with atmospheric and often haunting instrumental buildups, it’s hard not to feel drawn in by Twin Thousands’ ability to honestly evoke the complexities and richness of the human experience.
“Like You A Lot,” with its catchy and melodious riffs, is one of the more upbeat songs off the LP. It is sweetly reminiscent of innocent escapades and youthful impulses, like kissing your first love or speeding down the interstate to go win them back. Experience a taste of this truly delectable album below, though it is best enjoyed as a whole. You can download it here.