If your garage could surf while playing power-chords, it might sound like Girlfriends. These Boston natives bring likable, energetic moves to songs in the classic rock and roll style—and they’re not afraid to blow some ear drums in the process. It’s hard not to like this trio, and it’s great to see these scrappy rockers find some success.
Singer and guitarist Benny has trained his axe to thrive on the trebly brink of feedback, and harnesses that magnetic tension during his impassioned solos. On the bass, Jenny lays down infectious and danceable grooves, while Andy keeps the band moving with passion and poise at the kit.
The catchy songs, ample energy, and unwavering performance make Girlfriends a fun show for just about everyone. If you’re ready to experience the unlikely but elegant marriage of surf and punk, garage-rock and power-pop, then there’s nothing better.
Girlfriends play PA’s Lounge on Saturday night for the Thick Shakes EP release party ($8 for 21+/$11 for 18-20).